Cole Train Marijuana Strain Review by WeedPad

The Cole Train marijuana strain is the winner of multiple awards in competitions like the Spannabis Cup and the Highlife cup. We believe the story behind the smooth tasting weed is the name of the smooth playing jazzman, John Coletrane.

With the parentage of Jasmine and Trainwreck, the Cole Train marijuana packs a punch of the Trainwreck and gives the heavy yield of Jasmine and consists of 70% Indica and 30% Sativa.

The Cole Train marijuana strain can be grown by beginners as well as the experienced as it is can grow anywhere. Its flowering cycle is 8 weeks to 9 weeks and offers a very good yield. With an indoor grow, the farmer must pay close attention to the height of the room used. If it’s a guerrilla grow we suggest constant pruning and allowing for at least 84 inches of clearance in the room.

Cole Train marijuana strainThe Cole Train weed strain is known the world over for its remarkable medicinal values. Some of the many medical marijuana patients using this weed strain claim it does help in many ways. There have been a number of dispensaries that carry this weed more than others.

Patients say it is effective in treatment of their insomnia, migraines, muscle spasms, Parkinson’s Disease, meditation, arthritis, chronic pain, anxiety, anorexia and depression. Cole Train weed has proven to be quite a useful medicinal plant.

Cole Train Marijuana Strain Review will help with:

  • Strain Name: Cole Train
  • Type: Indica / Sativa (70:30)
  • Parentage: Jasmine and Trainwreck
  • Floweing Cycle: 8 weeks
  • Potency: Very potent
  • Medical Usage: glaucoma, migraines, chronic pain, Parkinson’s Disease, arthritis, anorexia, anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia
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